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Wednesday, 27 June 2007


544. Of all the wild animals in their area, none was more useful to the Delaware tribes than the Virginia white tailed deer: it was a source of meat, and its hide was used for clothing, its antlers and bones for tools, and its sinews and gut for bindings and glue.

(A) deer: it was a source of meat, and its hide was used for clothing, its antlers and bones for tools, and its sinews and gut

(B) deer: it was a source of meat, and its hide used for clothing, with its antlers and bones for tools, and its sinews and gut used

(C) deer: which was a source of meat, with its hide used for clothing, antlers and bones for tools, as well as its sinews and gut used

(D) deer: which, as well as being a source of meat, its hide was used for clothing, its antlers and bones for tools, and its sinews and gut were

(E) deer: with, as well as being a source of meat, its hide used for clothing, its antlers and bones for tools, and its sinews and gut

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